Friday 1 March 2019

Hashimotos Thyroiditis and Being Pesticide FREE!

I went to see the doctor about twenty years ago and he described my body as being like a car that was slowly breaking down - that was the bad news.

The good news was that there was treatment for it - Levothyroxine - and it was available on free prescription.

Unfortunately at this time, having come from a medical family, I just handed over all my power to the doctors so that they were in charge of my healing. All I knew was that I had an underachieve thyroid and I began taking 75 mcg Levothyroxine every day, which was soon increased to 100 mcg
because I was so exhausted.

Roll on years of often feeling whacked out - debilitated like an O.A.P - with all my joints seizing up. It was normal for me to start staggering about at 7 pm with my brain constantly saying -
'I'm tired. I'm tired,' and I would have to battle through the exhaustion to get my life accomplished.

I put myself on a diet that eliminated candida from my system and was off caffeine, fungi, alcohol, anything remotely sweet - even caramelised onion, and potatoes, as they go starchy.

My friends described it as - 'The boring A.F diet' and we had a cooking competition to try and make light of my abstinence from anything even faintly enjoyable to the palette.

After two years I slowly introduced foods that always seemed to go down so well, but I would need to do a lot more personal study on my body to get to the root cause of the problem. What took me years to fathom, was that things go down well - you enjoy them - but they bite your ass later on in the day - hence the evening slump in energy.

The tiredness crept in again, but when anything happens to us gradually, we seem to accept it. Also when you are mentally exhausted it is very hard to be the best advocate for yourself, but you are all you have. For a long time I accepted my condition as part of getting older and constantly struggled to maintain a normal exterior for everyone else.

Then the miscarriages started. I had five in all - one of them twins - all at around 13 weeks.

It was during the fourth miscarriage that I overheard a doctor mentioning Hashimotos, and I thought -
'What a strange sounding word, I wonder what that's all about.'

When I came home form hospital I Googled it and so my healing journey finally began.

I limit alcohol, sugar, dense meat, caffeine. White sugar is a toxic cancer giving poison.
No grain (including rice),
No GLUTEN (the worst thing in my world),
No soya or soya lecithins, no sunflower lecithins.
Read up about lecithins - I now peel everything as a tough skin on a vegetable is there to stop it being eaten by insects. It disagrees with me.
I had a camera up and down because of a very sore intestine and was prescribed Omeprazole 40mg. I had one tablet, tuned into my body and my whole system knew it was like a poison.
No dairy.
No corn.
No pork.
No organic fish because of what it is fed on.
Be mindful of what the living thing that you eat was fed on and how it was raised. Is the chi good?
No shop bough fruit juices - see the dirty dozen.

We have to start at source. The root, not treat a pain by masking it with an analgesic or in the case of Omeprazole, interfering with the way our body produces acid.

Not one doctor said to look at diet. One even said it was impossible for me to develop food sensitivities.

Sadly, food isn't what it use to be. We go into a supermarket and buy fruit and vegetables believing that we are doing right by ourselves - our five a day, but really we are buying poisonous food with low nutritional value. This is especially true when we purchase foods that have been cut up for us many hours before and so have already started their process of decay.

When you read about rice containing arsenic, or the Dirty Dozen which points to grapes, strawberries and potatoes as being laced with pesticides it makes you wonder how the effect of this is tied up with the cancer rate being 1 in 2.

Then you take a closer look at what we are putting on our faces and bodies as creams, cosmetics and perfume as well as what we clean, paint and furnish our homes with.

Is it any wonder that we are dying. Our earth is dying around us as our biggest mirror.

Our water is toxic. Is distilled water the best? Does bottled water leech plastic from the bottle it's in? How does regular tap water calcify the pineal gland and thus inhibit the ability to shift consciousness by damaging our inmate ability to connect?

Is this all a ploy to cull the population? How can our earth keep up with our incessant demands on her?

I eat all organic for myself, for my planet, her insects and the BEES.

I eat less because it is more expensive.

I eat meat once a week and fish once a week. Both are organic, wild or line caught.

All cosmetics and creams are natural. Unbastardized. When we have such scintillating smells like rose, what is the need to mess with it? As if a human could create anything better.

Our shops are filled with shelf on shelf of things WE NEED, that we haven't got yet, that would make us happy and our lives better - OR would they?

For true health and happiness, I have learned to simplify. I eat to nourish myself, buy clothes to keep warm and use plain water to stay clean.

The fish has sorted out my bodies need for iodine which is imperative for a Hashimotos person. I eat 3 organic brazil nuts a day to help the uptake of iodine. I have tried Lugols and iodine supplements, but at 3 am I am so ill with the most awful night sweats. I have lost count of the number of doctors that have said 'OOO, the menopause.'

How wrong they are! My body is cleaver. It can't process a pill, but it can process a perfectly balanced piece of fish that has been caught in wild waters.

I tried being vegan before, but can't eat anything soya based - probably because it is so GM and my body has an in-built radar for it. I became iller when I tried all the non dairy cheese and free from foods and I learned -

Free from What?
If it's free from gluten its laced with sugar. If it doesn't have dairy it's soya. Everything has corn starch, critic acid or potato starch in it all of which are a no go.

At night my body judders, my intestines hurt and I sweat when I have eaten something that my body finds toxic.

I start off each morning with a tonic. It contains -

One stick of organic celery,  a slurp of raw, organic apple cider vinegar with the mother, fresh ginger, fresh turmeric, one organic squeezed lemon,  organic kale, organic blueberries. 1 tsp of Manuka honey. I chuck in a variety of garden grown fresh herbs for good measure. herbs are good for healing the body.
I blend it all together and drink immediately. It is alkaline and cancer hates that. It stops it growing

 This is a personal study of mine that has helped my body and mind to heal as part of my journey. I hope that it is of some help to others. We all are unique though, so tune into your own body to find out what suits you.

I believe that as part of the consciousness shift, many are developing food intolerances as part of natures way of getting us to purify. The more that we are clean inside, the more that we can hear our inmate guidance from
a force that is beyond our comprehension.

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